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Change Management

Veränderungsmanagement | Change Management | Dr. Yasemin Yazan

1. Change management and its importance

Change is part of life and is also unavoidable in the business environment. Change management is an important process for optimally shaping and successfully implementing these changes.

2. Resistance to change: Reasons and solutions

Resistance to change is a common phenomenon in companies. The reason for this can be fear of the unknown or uncertainty about the effects of change. Above all, it is important to understand that change is always a learning process.

Before our brain is ready to expend energy on learning processes, it asks itself two questions:

  • Do I need this to survive?

If yes, I will do everything I can to learn it. If not, our brain asks itself the second question:

  • Will this improve my current situation?

If yes, I will do it. If not, our brain refuses the learning process.

To counteract possible resistance, it is important to communicate openly with employees and involve them in the change process at an early stage. A clear vision and a detailed plan also help to reduce resistance. However, the most important thing is not to give orders from above, not to appeal for understanding and not to communicate information about the change exclusively by email, but above all to show what the benefits are for the individual. As change processes in companies are not about the survival of the individual, it must be clear to employees to what extent the planned change will improve their personal situation.

3. Leadership in the change process

Leaders play a crucial role in the change process. It is not only important that they stand behind the vision and goals of the company and communicate these clearly and in a way that is appropriate to the employee’s brain, but above all that they know their employees well and are able to assess them. Only leaders who know the motives of their employees are in a position to activate the motivation system of the individual and also to be able to assess what form of support the individual employee needs. A good leader should also be able to anticipate possible upcoming changes in order to be able to react to them quickly and effectively. This requires the leader to observe interrelationships and think in terms of possible impact scenarios. Of course, not everything can be thought through and planned in advance – which makes it all the more important to deal with new situations in an agile manner, to reflect on them again and again and to make adjustments where necessary.

4. Communication as the key to successful change management

Open and clear communication is one of the most important factors for successful change management. Employees should be involved in the process at an early stage and be informed about the objectives and effects of the changes. Good communication also helps to reduce employee resistance and create a positive working environment. Above all, however, it is important to communicate in an appropriate manner, e.g. by demonstrating the benefits of the change for the individual. In addition, there needs to be room for exchange so that aspects relating to the change can be discussed at eye level, concerns can be heard and solutions can be worked out together within the set framework.

5. Best practices and case studies from the field of change management

There are many proven best practices that can be used in change management. These include, for example, a detailed plan, clear objectives, open and brain-friendly communication and the involvement of employees. Case studies can also be helpful to see how other companies have successfully implemented change and to transfer suitable aspects to your own company. Possibility scenarios are also suitable for playing through different options and thinking together about the effects in order to then choose the best possible options or make further adjustments if necessary.

6. Dealing with failure in the change process

Failure is part of the change process. It is important to learn from mistakes and see them as an opportunity to improve the process. Open communication and a positive working atmosphere can help to deal with failures in a meaningful way and, above all, ensure that employees are not demotivated, e.g. through frustration. A positive working atmosphere requires, for example, that there is no search for a scapegoat when mistakes are made and that the person responsible is not put forward. Otherwise, it usually has the effect that other employees, for example, no longer make decisions within their scope of responsibility out of fear, the team structure suffers because when mistakes are made, attempts are made not only to reject their own “guilt”, but above all to assign it to someone else, etc. In this respect, the attitude towards fault tolerance and dealing with mistakes plays a decisive role in change processes.

7. Importance of empathy and trust for change management

Empathy and trust are important factors in the change process. A good leader should be able to show empathy and understand the concerns and fears of employees. Understanding is not the same as accepting, but at least initially being able to take a different perspective, i.e. to look through the eyes of the individual. Only then will the leader be able to respond, assess what the other person needs and work together to find solutions. This requires trust in dealing with each other so as not to demotivate employees and instead support them at the exact point where they need individual support. Open communication, clear goals and commitment also help to strengthen employees’ trust.


Change management is a challenge for every company, but it also offers many opportunities. Against a backdrop of constant change, change is inevitable and an important part of business life. It is therefore not the exception, but the rule. In this respect, successfully implemented change processes strengthen the company and improve its competitiveness. Open and brain-friendly communication, trusting, empathetic and agile leaders, a healthy error culture and a challenging and supportive working environment are decisive factors for successful change management. Ongoing spaces for reflection offer the opportunity to recognize problems in the process and make adjustments as required. They are therefore also among the decisive factors for success.

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1. Was ist der Grund dafür, dass viele Change-Prozesse scheitern?

Laut einer IBM-Studie scheitern bis zu 80% der Change-Prozesse ganz oder teilweise. Der Hauptgrund liegt in der fehlenden Bereitschaft zur Veränderung bei Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften.Außerdem wirken Aus- und Weiterbildung nicht nachhaltig. Und 85% der Beschäftigten haben nur wenig bis gar keine emotionale Bindung zum Unternehmen, was häufig auf die Beziehung zur Führungskraft zurückzuführen ist.

2. Wie hoch ist der Schaden aufgrund von innerer Kündigung?

Der volkswirtschaftliche Schaden aufgrund von innerer Kündigung wird auf eine Summe zwischen 105 und 122 Mrd. Euro pro Jahr geschätzt. Und das in einer Zeit des Fachkräftemangels, in der Unternehmen jede Menge Geld in die Hand nehmen, um bestehende Herausforderungen mit entsprechenden Change-Prozessen anzugehen.

3 Myths Debunked – When Science Creates Knowledge! | Dr Yasemin Yazan

When Science Creates Knowledge!

Unfortunately, there is a lot of false knowledge on the market. Be it because, for example, research results are misinterpreted or false causalities are made, or because they are transferred to other contexts that were not even the subject of the study.

We pick 3 myths and show what science already knows:

- Why Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not a reliable basis for motivation

- Why personality tests are questionable as a basis for personnel decisions

- Why a quota is needed as an effective measure against Unconscious Bias

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