Industrialization – Industrial Revolution
The Development from the Steam Engine to the Robot
Industrialization can be divided into four phases, which are referred to as Industry 1.0, Industry 2.0, Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0. The development of industry over time can be summarized as follows:
1. Industry 1.0: Mechanization
The first massive technological advances took place in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries in Britain, the United States and Western Europe. Therefore, this phase is called Industry 1.0. This phase was characterized by mechanical production based on water and steam power, especially in the industry of textile, iron and steel. Relevant inventions were the steam engine and the mechanical loom:
The mechanical production increasingly replaced heavy work that had previously been done manually. The machines used have made production faster and easier, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of the goods produced. After all, this revolution can not be discussed without mentioning the interconnected rails for the effective transport of the goods produced.
2. Industry 2.0: Electrification
The Industry 2.0 has started around 1870 and was characterized by electrification and mass production based on electrical energy, especially in the electrical, chemical and automotive industries. Relevant inventions were the assembly line, electric railway for transportations and the telephone in the field of communication technology:
Industrialists began seeing possibilities of how to infuse technology into the machine to improve production. The steels were rolled out in their numbers; the rails were connecting cities and this was an important step for the globalization. The introduction of production line increased the number of industries during this period. To increase efficiency, the work was divided on the assembly line. This resulted in monotonous work that was not attractive. For this reason, wages rose, working hours fell and the principle of shift work was developed. Trade unions were founded and the emancipation of the workers grew.
3. Industry 3.0: Automation
This phase started around 1969 and was characterized by automated production based on Electronics and Information Technology (IT), especially in following fields: engineering, automotive, electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry. Relevant developments and inventions were computers, the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), lean and series production:
For using mechanical and electrical machines, it usually needed an action by an operator. In contrast, automated machines can be remotely controlled by a system technology. With integrated small computers the machines are able to independently carry out a previously programmed work routine. With this technical progress, the production processes have been possible for lean and series production. Work steps have been simplified and human tasks and activities have been shifted to other areas such as administrative and creative work. This is why we are also talking about a shift from an industrial society through a service society to a knowledge society. At the same time, the increasing series production and global trade is intensifying competition.
Industry 4.0: Informatization
Welcome to the fastest growing era of industrialization yet known. We are just at the beginning of Industry 4.0, which is characterized by intelligent production based on increasing networking of small computers (embedded systems) with each other and with the Internet as well as the fusion of the physical and virtual world (Cyber Space) to so-called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), especially in industrial production, logistics and trade, healthcare, traffic management and smart systems:
So far, machines were not connected with each other and could not act autonomously. But now, the groundbreaking technical progress allows not only connections between machines but also connections between the internet of things (IOT) and manufacturing techniques. This way it becomes possible to enable systems to share and analyze information and use it to guide intelligent actions. It also incorporates technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence, so that not only the exchange of information but also the learning ability of machines becomes true.
1. Was waren soziale Auswirkungen der Industrie 1.0?
-Verbesserung der Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Grundgütern
-Wachstum der Bevölkerung
-Reduktion des klassischen Handwerks/der klassischen Landwirtschaft
-Ausbreitung der städtischen Lebensformen
-Ausbeutung von Fabrikarbeitern durch Fabrikbesitzer
-Strukturelle Armut von Fabrikarbeitern
2. Was waren soziale Auswirkungen der Industrie 2.0?
-Wachstum der Bevölkerung
-Entstehen einer Wohlstandsgesellschaft
-Zunehmende Bedeutung der Gewerkschaften
3. Was waren soziale Auswirkungen der Industrie 3.0?
-Zunehmender Welthandel
-Soziale Marktwirtschaft
-Entstehen einer Dienstleistungs- und Wissensgesellschaft
-Erosion der klassischen Beschäftigung
-Marktwirtschaften im Wandel
4. Was waren soziale Auswirkungen der Industrie 4.0?
-Demografischer Wandel
-Mangel an Fachkräften
-Hohe Selbstbestimmtheit
5. Welche Relevanz hat diese Entwicklung in Bezug auf dein Business?
Betrachtet man die Zeitspannen zwischen den einzelnen Phasen, so stellt man fest, dass die Entwicklungen zwischen den einzelnen Phasen der Industrie 1.0 bis 3.0 jeweils rund 100 Jahre dauerten. Im Vergleich dazu dauerte die Entwicklung von der 3. zur 4. industriellen Revolution nur wenige Jahrzehnte. Dieser Umstand ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass der technologische Fortschritt ein Stadium erreicht hat, in dem die Weiterentwicklung des Fortschritts massiv an Geschwindigkeit gewonnen hat. Experten sprechen daher von einer exponentiellen Entwicklung. Da unser Gehirn auf lineares Denken ausgerichtet ist, ist diese exponentielle Entwicklung schwer vorstellbar – aber sie ist da!
Sie ist leichter zu verstehen, wenn man sie mit dem Zinseszinseffekt vergleicht. Wenn du früh anfängst, Geld zu sparen und dafür Zinsen zu zahlen, hat das einen viel größeren Effekt als wenn du später eine größere Summe sparst. Diesen Effekt könntest du trotz der Investition einer größeren Summe nicht mehr aufholen, da das Wachstum exponentiell verläuft.
Ähnlich schafft die exponentielle Entwicklung im Bereich des technologischen Fortschritts Effekte und Dynamiken, die Unternehmen zwingen, umzudenken und sich digital zu transformieren. Umgekehrt gefährdet das Zögern die Existenz von Unternehmen. Oder mit anderen Worten: Der technologische Fortschritt ist rasant, und wer sich heute nicht mit diesem Thema beschäftigt, die Hintergründe nicht versteht und nicht auf das eigene Unternehmen überträgt, wird irgendwann nicht mehr aufholen können – auch wenn er es gerne möchte. Gedanken wie “Das schaue ich mir später mal an. Das hat noch Zeit.” ist in diesem Zusammenhang existenzbedrohend für das eigene Unternehmen.