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Mentoring | Dr. Yasemin Yazan

Mentoring bezeichnet eine Form der innerbetrieblichen Mitarbeiterbetreuung. Mentoren sind meist langjährige Organisationsmitglieder, welche die Einführung neuer Mitarbeiter in die Organisation begleiten und unterstützen, um auf diese Weise mögliche Anfangsprobleme zu minimieren. Weiterhin kann das Mentoring die Funktion einer langfristigen, innerbetrieblichen Karierreberatung haben (Vgl. Rauen, 2005a, S. 512.)


Rauen, Christopher (2005a) (Hrsg.): Handbuch Coaching. Göttingen. Bern. Wien. Toronto. Seattle. Oxford. Prag

3 Myths Debunked – When Science Creates Knowledge! | Dr Yasemin Yazan

When Science Creates Knowledge!

Unfortunately, there is a lot of false knowledge on the market. Be it because, for example, research results are misinterpreted or false causalities are made, or because they are transferred to other contexts that were not even the subject of the study.

We pick 3 myths and show what science already knows:

- Why Maslow's hierarchy of needs is not a reliable basis for motivation

- Why personality tests are questionable as a basis for personnel decisions

- Why a quota is needed as an effective measure against Unconscious Bias

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